Preventive dentistry helps maintain good oral health. It’s a combination of regular dental check-ups along with developing good habits like brushing and flossing. The goal of preventative dentistry is to keep gum disease, cavities, tooth sensitivity, and other common dental conditions at bay.
Taking care of your teeth starts early in childhood and extends throughout your life.
Oral hygiene is necessary to stop the buildup of unhealthy bacteria in your mouth. The plaque you see in your mouth is a form of bacteria that can lead to issues like gum disease and periodontal disease if left untreated. Ideally, one should get one dental exam every year; however, if you notice plaque in your mouth, it’s advised to visit our clinic for a thorough exam. This will allow us to detect and fix problems quickly and easily.
There are two main types of dental exams: oral examination (OD) and endodont
Sealing can be really effective in preventing decay of your chewing teeth. A tooth color coating is painted on the surface of teeth to safeguard them from food particles and toxins that regular brushing can’t reach. An excellent preventive choice, its painless and takes only few minutes per tooth. The sealants can stay for years before needing a reapplication.
We usually take a child’s baby teeth lightly. However, milk teeth are the basis of healthy permanent teeth. A child’s first visit to the Dentist is generally after his/her third birthday; by then, all ‘baby’ teeth are developed. For children, we check for the following issues.
Baby Bottle tooth decay
Brown spots around the gumline
Discolored teeth
Teeth Structure
Loose teeth, if any
Make Appointment7-C, NRI Complex, Chittaranjan Park ( C.R.Park ), NRI Colony, GK-4, New Delhi, Delhi 110019
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